PookMail becomes Opensource
Yes! We decided to release the PookMail.com source code under the GPL 2.0 Lincese to the Community.
This is our way to give thanks for all of you who all these years have used PookMail, sent to us your comments and suggestions ... and blames :)
If you want to have your own PookMail.com running on your machine, go ahead and download it. We hope you enjoy!
PookMail OpenSource Project: http://code.google.com/p/pookmail/
This is our way to give thanks for all of you who all these years have used PookMail, sent to us your comments and suggestions ... and blames :)
If you want to have your own PookMail.com running on your machine, go ahead and download it. We hope you enjoy!
PookMail OpenSource Project: http://code.google.com/p/pookmail/
It's a good idea (even I personally would release it under GPLv3) but I can't understand why you don't continue the project. Now that it's open source you will get developers attention.
Am I wrong?
As a big fan of pookmail over the years, I applaud all of your work and your willingness to release the source code.
The hardware and the bandwidth: you have to pay money for both.
We didn't earn enough money to be able to pay for it :,( May be we are couldn't to figure out how to monetize it without bothering our users. Sorry for that.
OMG. What a great idea was.
Sorry, that's all over.
Sorce Code very interesting.
Thank you!
Will you continue the project anyway ?
What we plan to do is to keep managing the code development.
That's a great news.
thanks you.
..where is the link to continue to use it?
Here: http://code.google.com/p/pookmail
I didn't understand I've to install it, thanks
I was real fan of PookMail, it was really a good service. No I use www.spamobox.com - it's also pretty good service, with no ads/hassle.
hello ago I wanted to ask as to be able to use pookmail or page pookmail
You should download the Pookmail source code from http://code.google.com/p/pookmail/downloads/list and install it in your server.
But when low as ago to install?
All needed information is stored at the official Pookmail repository (code.google.com/p/pookmail.com).
Anyway, the installation guide is there:
it is very cool and very sad
we really wished that pookmail is still open.
wheres pookmail? I want to create an address for spam but I just see a stupid blog
RIP pookmail.com
Thank you, guys.
я могу на время(1час) активировать
аккаунт pookmail.com?
а то не могу в одной программе поменять email без подтверждения на адресе poocmail.com,на котором я регестрировался.
можно ли об этом с админами договориться?!!!
How much will we wait?
This is great, I've been hosting my disposable email project over at github.
It seems that anonymous email solutions seem to pop up and die off rather quickly. If you have any comments or advice to give I would be grateful.
There are also other lacks
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